Petroleum SchoolsPetroleum

Petroleum Schools Offering Doctoral Degrees

Offered In
Doctoral degrees with specialization in petroleum engineering are offered by 16 oil and gas schools in 10 states. The most oil and gas schools providing doctoral degrees are in Texas (4 schools), Oklahoma (3 schools), California (2 schools), and Colorado (1 school).

The best petroleum doctoral degree programs in the United States are offered by The University of Texas at Austin. That school has an excellent petroleum doctoral degree program: five-star rating for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching.

The list of the best sixteen oil schools granting doctoral degrees is below. To check all oil schools and colleges offering doctoral degrees, narrow your search by state or major.

Top 16 petroleum doctoral degree programs:

The University of Texas at Austin - Petroleum School Ranking
1. The University of Texas

Austin, TX, 1 doctoral program

Texas A & M University College Station - Petroleum School Ranking
2. Texas A & M University College Station

College Station, TX, 1 doctoral program

Colorado School of Mines - Petroleum School Ranking
3. Colorado School of Mines

Golden, CO, 1 doctoral program

University of Southern California - Petroleum School Ranking
4. University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA, 1 doctoral program

University of Tulsa - Petroleum School Ranking
5. University of Tulsa

Tulsa, OK, 1 doctoral program

University of Houston - Petroleum School Ranking
6. University of Houston

Houston, TX, 1 doctoral program

Texas Tech University - Petroleum School Ranking
7. Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX, 1 doctoral program

Missouri University of Science and Technology - Petroleum School Ranking
University of Oklahoma Norman - Petroleum School Ranking
9. University of Oklahoma Norman

Norman, OK, 1 doctoral program

Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College - Petroleum School Ranking
University of Wyoming - Petroleum School Ranking
11. University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY, 1 doctoral program

University of North Dakota - Petroleum School Ranking
12. University of North Dakota

Grand Forks, ND, 1 doctoral program

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Petroleum School Ranking
Mississippi State University - Petroleum School Ranking
14. Mississippi State University

Starkville, MS, 1 doctoral program

Stanford University - Petroleum School Ranking
15. Stanford University

Stanford, CA, 1 doctoral program

Oklahoma State University - Petroleum School Ranking
16. Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK, 1 doctoral program

Petroleum doctoral degrees by state:

Schools by State2 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in California1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Colorado1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Louisiana1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Mississippi1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Missouri1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in New Mexico1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in North Dakota3 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Oklahoma4 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Texas1 Petroleum Doctoral Degree Schools in Wyoming

Petroleum doctoral degrees by major:

Petroleum Engineering: 16 schools

Other petroleum diplomas:

Certificates: 31 schools
Associate's Degrees: 31 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 26 schools
Master's Degrees: 23 schools © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology