Petroleum SchoolsPetroleum

Petroleum Schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma

in the area
Tulsa, Oklahoma is a good city to get petroleum diploma. The only one college which offers such opportunity in the city is University of Tulsa. That school has a great quality programs evaluated with five stars for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

There are five more petroleum schools near Tulsa. Learn about all schools offering petroleum programs around the city below.

Petroleum schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

University of Tulsa - Petroleum School Ranking
1. University of Tulsa

3 petroleum programs

Petroleum schools near Tulsa, Oklahoma:

Central Technology Center - Petroleum School Ranking
Central Technology Center

Located in Drumright, Oklahoma

Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology - Petroleum School Ranking
Oklahoma State University - Petroleum School Ranking
Oklahoma State University

Located in Stillwater, Oklahoma

University of Oklahoma Norman - Petroleum School Ranking
University of Oklahoma Norman

Located in Norman, Oklahoma

University of Kansas - Petroleum School Ranking
University of Kansas

Located in Lawrence, Kansas

Petroleum schools in other OK cities:

Drumright: 1 school
Norman: 1 school
Okmulgee: 1 school
Stillwater: 1 school

Oklahoma petroleum schools by program:

Petroleum Engineering: 3 schools
Petroleum Technology: 2 schools

Oklahoma petroleum schools by diploma:

Certificates: 2 schools
Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 schools
Master's Degrees: 3 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 3 schools

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