Petroleum SchoolsPetroleum

Petroleum Technology and Mining Schools in the Midwest

Our 2024 ranking contains 12 schools offering petroleum technology and mining majors in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, North Dakota, and Ohio. team ranks Muskingum University (New Concord, OH), Bismarck State College, and Lewis and Clark Community College (Godfrey, IL) the top three petroleum technology schools in the Midwest.

See the best 12 petroleum technology schools in the Midwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Midwest.

Top 12 petroleum technology schools in the Midwest:

Muskingum University - Petroleum School Ranking
1. Muskingum University

New Concord, OH, 1 petroleum technology program

Bismarck State College - Petroleum School Ranking
2. Bismarck State College

Bismarck, ND, 2 petroleum technology programs

Lewis and Clark Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
3. Lewis and Clark Community College

Godfrey, IL, 2 petroleum technology programs

Stark State College - Petroleum School Ranking
4. Stark State College

North Canton, OH, 2 petroleum technology programs

Wabash Valley College - Petroleum School Ranking
5. Wabash Valley College

Mount Carmel, IL, 2 petroleum technology programs

Frontier Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
6. Frontier Community College

Fairfield, IL, 1 petroleum technology program

Vincennes University - Petroleum School Ranking
7. Vincennes University

Vincennes, IN, 1 petroleum technology program

Williston State College - Petroleum School Ranking
8. Williston State College

Williston, ND, 2 petroleum technology programs

Seward County Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
9. Seward County Community College

Liberal, KS, 2 petroleum technology programs

Washington State Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
10. Washington State Community College

Marietta, OH, 2 petroleum technology programs

Lincoln Trail College - Petroleum School Ranking
11. Lincoln Trail College

Robinson, IL, 1 petroleum technology program

Ivy Tech Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
12. Ivy Tech Community College

Indianapolis, IN, 1 petroleum technology program

Petroleum technology & mining schools in the Midwest by state:

Schools by State4 Petroleum Technology Schools in Illinois2 Petroleum Technology Schools in Indiana1 Petroleum Technology Schools in Kansas2 Petroleum Technology Schools in North Dakota3 Petroleum Technology Schools in Ohio

Petroleum technology schools in other regions:

Northeast: 4 schools
Northwest: 1 school
South: 17 schools
Southeast: 7 schools
West: 6 schools

Popular petroleum school cities in the Midwest:

in Illinois:
Fairfield: 1 school
Godfrey: 1 school
Mount Carmel: 1 school
Robinson: 1 school
in Indiana:
Indianapolis: 1 school
Vincennes: 1 school
in Kansas:
Lawrence: 1 school
Liberal: 1 school
in Missouri:
Rolla: 1 school
in North Dakota:
Bismarck: 1 school
Grand Forks: 1 school
Williston: 1 school
in Ohio:
Marietta: 2 schools
New Concord: 1 school
North Canton: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology