Petroleum SchoolsPetroleum

Petroleum Schools in the West - 2024 Ranking

In 2024, we have evaluated 14 petroleum colleges offering majors in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

Our team ranks Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO), University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA), and University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY) the best three petroleum schools in the West.

See the Best 14 Petroleum schools in the West below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the West.

Top 14 petroleum schools in the West:

Colorado School of Mines - Petroleum School Ranking
1. Colorado School of Mines

Golden, CO, 3 petroleum programs

University of Southern California - Petroleum School Ranking
2. University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA, 3 petroleum programs

University of Wyoming - Petroleum School Ranking
3. University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY, 3 petroleum programs

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Petroleum School Ranking
4. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Socorro, NM, 3 petroleum programs

Stanford University - Petroleum School Ranking
5. Stanford University

Stanford, CA, 3 petroleum programs

University of Utah - Petroleum School Ranking
6. University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT, 1 petroleum program

University of Alaska Fairbanks - Petroleum School Ranking
7. University of Alaska Fairbanks

Fairbanks, AK, 2 petroleum programs

Montana Technological University - Petroleum School Ranking
8. Montana Technological University

Butte, MT, 2 petroleum programs

Utah State University - Petroleum School Ranking
9. Utah State University

Logan, UT, 1 petroleum program

University of Alaska Anchorage - Petroleum School Ranking
10. University of Alaska Anchorage

Anchorage, AK, 1 petroleum program

Western Wyoming Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
11. Western Wyoming Community College

Rock Springs, WY, 1 petroleum program

Aims Community College - Petroleum School Ranking
12. Aims Community College

Greeley, CO, 1 petroleum program

Eastern Arizona College - Petroleum School Ranking
13. Eastern Arizona College

Thatcher, AZ, 1 petroleum program

Southeast New Mexico College - Petroleum School Ranking
14. Southeast New Mexico College

Carlsbad, NM, 1 petroleum program

Petroleum schools in the West by state:

Schools by State1 Petroleum Schools in Arizona2 Petroleum Schools in California2 Petroleum Schools in Colorado1 Petroleum Schools in Montana2 Petroleum Schools in New Mexico2 Petroleum Schools in Utah2 Petroleum Schools in Wyoming

Petroleum programs in the West:

Petroleum Engineering: 8 schools
Petroleum Technology: 6 schools

Petroleum schools in other regions:

Midwest: 16 schools
Northeast: 8 schools
South: 31 schools
Southeast: 10 schools

Popular petroleum school cities in the West:

in Alaska:
Anchorage: 1 school
Fairbanks: 1 school
in Arizona:
Thatcher: 1 school
in California:
Los Angeles: 1 school
Stanford: 1 school
in Colorado:
Golden: 1 school
Greeley: 1 school
in Montana:
Butte: 1 school
in New Mexico:
Carlsbad: 1 school
Socorro: 1 school
in Utah:
Logan: 1 school
Salt Lake City: 1 school
in Wyoming:
Laramie: 1 school
Rock Springs: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology