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Petroleum Engineering Master's Degrees in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Petroleum Engineering Master's Degree SchoolsWe list 3 Oklahoma schools offering petroleum engineering master's degrees, and University of Tulsa is the best option.

Check other Oklahoma schools granting petroleum engineering master's degrees and petroleum colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other petroleum major or diploma.

OK petroleum engineering master's degree schools:

University of Tulsa - Petroleum School Ranking
1. University of Tulsa

Located in Tulsa

University of Oklahoma Norman - Petroleum School Ranking
Oklahoma State University - Petroleum School Ranking
3. Oklahoma State University

Located in Stillwater

Petroleum engineering master's degrees in nearby states:

The University of Texas at Austin - Petroleum School Ranking
The University of Texas

Located in Austin, Texas

Texas A & M University College Station - Petroleum School Ranking
Texas A & M University College Station

Located in College Station, Texas

University of Houston - Petroleum School Ranking
University of Houston

Located in Houston, Texas

Texas Tech University - Petroleum School Ranking
Texas Tech University

Located in Lubbock, Texas

University of Kansas - Petroleum School Ranking
University of Kansas

Located in Lawrence, Kansas

Texas A & M University Kingsville - Petroleum School Ranking
Texas A & M University Kingsville

Located in Kingsville, Texas

Other petroleum engineering diplomas in OK:

Certificates: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 3 schools

Oklahoma petroleum schools by city:

Drumright: 1 school
Norman: 1 school
Okmulgee: 1 school
Stillwater: 1 school
Tulsa: 1 school

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