Petroleum SchoolsPetroleum

Petroleum Engineering Schools in the South

In 2024, we ranked 14 schools offering petroleum engineering majors in Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia.

Our team ranks The University of Texas (Austin, TX), Texas A & M University College Station, and University of Tulsa the best three petroleum engineering schools in the South.

See the best 14 petroleum engineering colleges in the South below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the South.

Top 14 petroleum engineering schools in the South:

The University of Texas at Austin - Petroleum School Ranking
1. The University of Texas

Austin, TX, 4 petroleum engineering programs

Texas A & M University College Station - Petroleum School Ranking
2. Texas A & M University College Station

College Station, TX, 4 petroleum engineering programs

University of Tulsa - Petroleum School Ranking
3. University of Tulsa

Tulsa, OK, 3 petroleum engineering programs

Texas Tech University - Petroleum School Ranking
4. Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX, 3 petroleum engineering programs

University of Houston - Petroleum School Ranking
5. University of Houston

Houston, TX, 3 petroleum engineering programs

University of Oklahoma Norman - Petroleum School Ranking
6. University of Oklahoma Norman

Norman, OK, 4 petroleum engineering programs

Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College - Petroleum School Ranking
7. Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

Baton Rouge, LA, 4 petroleum engineering programs

West Virginia University - Petroleum School Ranking
8. West Virginia University

Morgantown, WV, 2 petroleum engineering programs

Mississippi State University - Petroleum School Ranking
9. Mississippi State University

Starkville, MS, 4 petroleum engineering programs

Oklahoma State University - Petroleum School Ranking
10. Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK, 2 petroleum engineering programs

University of Louisiana at Lafayette - Petroleum School Ranking
11. University of Louisiana

Lafayette, LA, 1 petroleum engineering program

Texas A & M University Kingsville - Petroleum School Ranking
12. Texas A & M University Kingsville

Kingsville, TX, 2 petroleum engineering programs

Texas A & M International University - Petroleum School Ranking
13. Texas A & M International University

Laredo, TX, 1 petroleum engineering program

The University of Texas Permian Basin - Petroleum School Ranking
14. The University of Texas Permian Basin

Odessa, TX, 1 petroleum engineering program

Petroleum engineering schools in the South by state:

Schools by State2 Petroleum Engineering Schools in Louisiana1 Petroleum Engineering Schools in Mississippi3 Petroleum Engineering Schools in Oklahoma7 Petroleum Engineering Schools in Texas1 Petroleum Engineering Schools in West Virginia

Petroleum engineering schools in other regions:

Midwest: 4 schools
Northeast: 4 schools
Northwest: 2 schools
West: 8 schools

Popular petroleum school cities in the South:

in Kentucky:
Madisonville: 1 school
in Louisiana:
Baton Rouge: 1 school
Bossier City: 1 school
Lafayette: 2 schools
Schriever: 1 school
Thibodaux: 1 school
in Mississippi:
Starkville: 1 school
Summit: 1 school
in Oklahoma:
Drumright: 1 school
Norman: 1 school
Okmulgee: 1 school
Stillwater: 1 school
Tulsa: 1 school
in Texas:
Austin: 1 school
Beeville: 1 school
College Station: 1 school
Corsicana: 1 school
Houston: 2 schools
Kingsville: 1 school
Laredo: 1 school
Lubbock: 1 school
Odessa: 1 school
San Antonio: 1 school
Snyder: 1 school
The Woodlands: 1 school
in Virginia:
Cedar Bluff: 1 school
in West Virginia:
Fairmont: 1 school
Morgantown: 1 school
Wheeling: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology